If you wear dentures and have noticed that they are fitting less comfortably than they did before, it may be time for you to consider booking a reline. Denture relining is an affordable and very simple procedure that makes the denture sit more comfortably against your gums by reshaping the underside. There are generally two kinds of reline you can have – a soft reline and a hard reline. One of the great things is that they are very convenient and can be performed at either your local dental practice or at the London dental lab Estetica. In order to help you decide whether you should opt for a soft or a hard reline we will look at the specifics of each as well as the their advantages and disadvantages.
Why And When A Denture Reline Would Be Necessary
When a tooth is removed or extracted from its place inside the alveolar bone tissue that holds it, the tissue starts to go through a breakdown, medically known as resorption, in which the tissue breaks down and is redistributed throughout the body. As a denture wearer you will experience most of the resortpion during the first 3 to 4 months after your extractions were performed, and gradually over throughout the rest of your life.
As this resorption occurs, the surrounding gum tissue changes in terms of its shape and density and can cause a denture that was properly fitted to become increasingly uncomfortable. This is when you should have a denture reline.
What is A Soft Reline?
Denture wearers tend to opt for a soft reline, simply because they are more comfortable. This is particularly the case if you are new to wearing dentures as you will be experiencing bone resorption at its quickest rate, or, if your gum tissue is more sensitive to the feel and weight of the denture. A soft reline can be done in dentist’s office, using a liquidised polymer that is then layered into your denture to add cushioning and depth to it. It’s a procedure that doesn’t take too long to complete and the dentist performing it will be able to achieve a comfortable and secure fit for your denture with input from you throughout the appointment.
The most obvious advantage of having a soft reline performed at chair side is the speed at which the denture can be completed. On the other hand, a soft reline performed in a lab would mean you would need to survive without your denture for as long as it took for your reline to be ready. One possible disadvantage of having a soft reline performed is you may need more than one fine-tuning appointment, due to its porous and delicate nature.
What Is A Hard Reline?
A hard reline works in very much the same way, reshaping a denture, but the difference is that a material similar to the hard denture base is used. This results in a more permanent fix and will last considerably longer than a soft reline. A hard reline can also be done by chair side, however many dentists prefer it to be sent out as often complications can arise regarding the fit and heat transfer of the materials used for the process.
As we are sure you can see, denture relining is a very effective way of reshaping a denture that has started to cause you difficulties. A relining can also be used to correct and repair cracked dentures and is a cost effective way to avoid spending money on a brand new denture. If you are having difficulties with your dentures and think a relining might help, you should get in contact with your local dentist or the Estetica Dental Lab in London.