Do you find that your dentures slip or fall out of your mouth at the very times when it is most embarrassing? You will be just sitting at home eating dinner with your family, or worst still at a restaurant and they fall right out onto the table. Even though your family and friends love you, it can still make you very self conscious.
Then in the morning you face the task of reapplying them back into your mouth, using the adhesives. The same adhesives that have never been particularly effective since you had the dentures made and not only do they do a poor job, but they taste and smell bad too. It may lead you to wonder if there is a better, more effective solution to this kind of denture and the adhesives used with them.
Fortunately, in this day and age there is! The technology used to design and build dentures has improved exponentially over the last decade or so and from Estetica Dental Lab in London you can benefit from one of the most cutting edge forms of dentures – the implant-retained dentures. So this is the great new alternative to dentures of the past? What is so special about this type of dentures? We are going to discuss that subject in this very post as we look at 3 of the most important advantages of investing in implant-retained dentures.
You Will Never Need To Worry About Dentures Falling Or Slipping Out
Whether you opt for implant-supported or implant-retained dentures, both involve a number of dental implants in order to ensure your dentures remain in place. Dental implants are artificial root teeth that are fused to your jawbone and are generally used to replace missing teeth. However, they also can be used to keep your dentures in place.
In addition to ensuring they never fall out of your mouth again, implant-supported and implant-retained dentures also mean you will not have to be selective with what foods you can and cannot eat.
You Can Say Goodbye To Denture Adhesive
If you currently wear the more traditional style dentures, you will know all the effort and time it takes to keep them in place. It generally involves a lot of adhesive, whether it is cream or paste you use. The one thing above all else that they have in common is just how bad they taste.
With implant retained and implant supported dentures though, you don’t actually need adhesives. They rely on either a bar and clasp or ball and socket system that enables you to just pop your dentures correctly into place each time.
Most Dental Clinics Can Modify Existing Dentures
If you don’t want to go through the whole process of having your mouth measured for and readied for yet another pair of dentures, most dentists can actually help take your existing dentures and convert them to support either the ball and socket or bar and clasp system.
If this sounds like something that you are interested in and want to say good riddance to always having that nightmare of fussing and fidgeting in your mouth to try and make your dentures fit in place, then you should consider getting in contact with the Estetica Dental Lab in London. Not only do they use only the most cutting edge and advanced dental technology, they also offer some of the quickest turnaround times for even procedures like dentures.
If you have a fear or disliking for dentists, this could also be a good option for you, as the team at Estetica Dental Lab will always have you the patients best interests in mind.